Practical reasoned advice, based on over 13 years experience representing the Resource, Energy and Mining industry in Sub Saharan Africa We go beyond the traditional risk management: Preventive law systems that considers all facets and activities of a company Formal litigation and dispute resolutions backed by aggressive, high-caliber advocacy Perfection and Integrity are our Hallmarks

REM Law Consultancy provides the following specialized services to clients:

  • Conducting legal due diligence on projects and transactions;
  • Drafting and reviewing relevant legislation and advising on legal structuring of transactions;
  • Negotiating, Drafting and Reviewing Investment Agreements and related Contracts permits and Licenses;
  • Advising on and procuring requisite regulatory consents, permits and approvals for Projects
  • Monitoring Implementation of Project Agreements and Investment Licences;
  • Advising on legal aspects of corporate finance, restructuring, amalgamations and reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions, insolvency and bankruptcy filings;
  • Conducting Legal Research and Writing Legal Opinions on specific issues in relation to Projects, Investments and Corporate activities;
  • Conducting Dispute Management, Court litigation and ADR involving commercial and business transactions.

Client References


We are able, upon specific request by a prospective client, to provide on a confidential basis specific names of satisfied clients who may be contacted for reference where necessary. These Clients include major international mining and energy companies that have established businesses in Ghana or have engaged in one-off business transactions such as international public offerings, private placements, international loan transactions sale and purchase transactions, mergers and acquisitions in Ghana. Our current select list of active international clients with their local Ghanaian subsidiaries, include Hess Corporation (USA), Golden Star Resources Ltd. (Canada), Pelangio Exploration Inc. (Canada), Keegan Resources Inc. (Canada) ; Xtra-gold Resources Corp (Canada)., African Queen Mines Ltd. (Canada),  Goldplat Plc (UK),  Caracal Gold LLC (USA).


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