Practical reasoned advice, based on over 13 years experience representing the Resource, Energy and Mining industry in Sub Saharan Africa We go beyond the traditional risk management: Preventive law systems that considers all facets and activities of a company Formal litigation and dispute resolutions backed by aggressive, high-caliber advocacy Perfection and Integrity are our Hallmarks

REM Law Consultancy is a full service corporate law firm of professionals with proven collective experience in various aspects of legal advisory and strategic consultancy services acquired in both local and international transactions.

The law firm was formed in June 2000 in Accra by Innocent Akwayena primarily with a focus on the natural resources sector specifically, mining and energy. Over the years, the firm’s practice areas have expanded to accommodate the expanding economies of Ghana and also countries in the West Africa sub-region.

The firm has been advising on structuring and executing cutting edge transactions and helping to shape public policy. Our specialist professional skills are wide-ranging and include the following areas of practice: corporate, energy & natural resources, compliance, mergers and acquisitions and general commercial law, as well as the gamut of regulatory and other requirements for doing business in Ghana.

Our clients include local and multinational companies, GoG, SOEs, NGO’s and high net worth individuals doing business in Ghana and the West African sub-region.

The ethic of our work is anchored in principles and a disciplined commitment to the following fundamentals: in-depth research; analytical thinking; strategic positioning; excellent quality of service and timely delivery. We offer the security and stability of long-established legal practice methods. We are also dedicated and continually honing our inventive, contemporary style, reflecting true innovation in the way we work to achieve the desired results for our clients.

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